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About the Adventure

The inspiration for the name ThruThink® was born out of experiences with long distance hiking. A long distance hike sets its goal to go from one place to another over a long distance and is referred to as a "thru hike". Chuck Hoyt, who founded ThruThink® has planned and successfully accomplished a number of long distance hikes and found that the required planning process needs to be extremely rigorous. On a solo long distance hike with large spans between civilization, a lack of proper planning can mean at minimum a much more uncomfortable and difficult experience including the likelihood of not achieving the goal and at worst it can be a matter of life and death.

For a long distance hike, there is an inverse weight-performance relationship — every detail of clothing, equipment, fuel, water and food need to be thought through and managed to the ounce for each day of the hike, all the while taking into consideration the thru hikers personal health and welfare. The inverse relationship of all of these factors mean that the more weight carried will cause less distance covered each day requiring more days to reach the goal which requires more food and fuel adding more weight which means less distance covered and so on... a downward spiral, all of which pushes the goal further away. Thorough planning, measuring, anticipating, physical conditioning and practice are keys to reversing this downward spiral in order to achieve the goal.

Chuck Hoyt

Chuck owns a management consulting practice that has specialized in solving business financial and management challenges for over 30 years. With this experience and after preparing and accomplishing a number of thru hikes, Chuck realized that preparing and planning for a thru hike carries lessons for achieving excellence in planning and managing the performance of a business to achieve desired goals over time.

Thinking through each phase of the business performance, step by step and point by point (ounce by ounce) that progresses thru to a future goal, by planning, measuring, anticipating and practicing are keys to achieving the desired business goals with a greater probability of success, safety and less risk for those involved. ThruThink® allows businesses to play this out by guiding the User to think through each critical business step and practice it with detailed simulation modeling.

This is not so much a matter of predicting the precise outcome much like we cannot predict our actual experiences on a thru-hike. It is a matter of going through a disciplined thought process to consider, review and plan for the factors that are critical to accomplishing the desired goal. Disciplined thinking and planning leads to a greater probability of success. Disciplined thinking and planning inspired ThruThink®...

Life is much like a hike, so go take a great hike!

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